La Dame aux camélias (춘희, Fren...유페이퍼Alexandre Dumas fils
Siddhartha (싯다르타, English Vers...유페이퍼Hermann Hesse
The Good Soldier (훌륭한 병사, Engl...유페이퍼Ford Madox Ford
The Soul of Susan Yellam(수잔 옐람...유페이퍼Horace Annesley Vachell
In the Days of Queen Elizabeth...유페이퍼Eva March Tappan
The Story of My Life (헬렌 켈러의 '...유페이퍼Helen Keller
The Romance of Lust (욕망의 소설, E...유페이퍼Anonymous
Emile (에밀, English Version)유페이퍼Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Adventures of Sherlock Hol...유페이퍼Arthur Conan Doyle
A Tale of Two Cities (두 도시 이야기...유페이퍼Charles Dickens
A History of Aragon and Catalo...유페이퍼Henry John Paytor
Across the River and Into the ...유페이퍼Ernest Hemingway
Islands in the Stream (해류속의 섬들...유페이퍼Ernest Hemingway
The old man and the Sea (노인과 바...유페이퍼Ernest Hemingway
For Whom the Bell Tolls (누구를 위...유페이퍼Ernest Hemingway
하루 10분 마법같은 영어 독해 레터 1유페이퍼조성민
The Sun Also Rises (태양은 다시 떠오른...유페이퍼Ernest Hemingway
Little Women (작은 아씨들, English ...유페이퍼Louisa May Alcott